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Take Charge of Your Life

Take Charge of Your Life

  • Author : William Glasser, M.D.
  • Pub. Date : September 2011
  • Format : Soft Back
  • Price : $20

Are you seeking a happier and more satisfying life? In Take Charge of Your Life, author Dr. William Glasser details the choice theory—a science of human behaviors and principles for regaining and maintaining internal control—and the role it can play in helping you regain your personal freedom and choice.

Take Charge of Your Life, a revision of his 1984 book, Control Theory, includes choice-theory applications. He explains choice theory using personal examples and illustrative stories that allow you to learn how to improve your relationships and take charge of your actions.

Topics include marital and relationship problems, parenthood, alcoholism, diseases, and psychosomatic disorders. For each situation discussed, Glasser ties behavior to the pictures of what people want in their heads.

He explains how the pictures got there and how people can choose new behaviors to get what they really want. In Take Charge of Your Life, Glasser offers a real model of empowerment. He shows how you can become a part of the equation that adds happiness and connection to the world in which you live now and to the world of future generations.


The following is an endorsement by Dr. Phil McGraw… “By showing the reader the liberation from external threats, the step to the freedom of internal liberation can be realized in stunningly simple ways. Of course, it takes courage and faith to change our thinking, but the understanding of “making sense out of non-sense” can be amazing, as I have seen these effects. This book will help each person become a more creative and gifted soul. Dr. Glasser has made a significant contribution to psychology, but also has made a tremendous gift for any reader.”

Category : Counseling

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