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Fibromyalgia: Hope from a Completely New Perspective (SC)

Fibromyalgia: Hope from a Completely New Perspective (SC)

  • Author : William Glasser, M.D.
  • Pub. Date : January 2001
  • Format : Soft Back
  • Pages : 128
  • Price : $12

Pain without identifiable physical cause is addressed in this amazing little volume. Dr. Glasser gives a Choice Theory psychology explanation of this phenomenon and explores the implications. He explains a therapeutic approach which can be used by anyone, especially the affected person themselves, without encountering harmful side effects. This book is highly recommended for health care professionals and those who suffer from this condition.


“The use of these [psychotropic] drugs for fibromyalgia is no more supported by research than the use of antibiotics is supported for a viral infection. Psychotropic drugs are strong and change the physiology of the brain in many ways that are not yet understood and may add to the problem.” ” While you wait for an effective medical treatment that doesn’t take into account the relationship problems I have been explaining, I ask you to weigh the further possibility that the pain and disability you are experiencing may be caused by something few people- doctors and patients alike- ever consider. This element, creativity, is very much a part of every total behavior you choose. It can affect any or all of its components. Could it be that the more creative you are, the more you are susceptible to “diseases” such as fibromyalgia?”– William Glasser, M.D.

Category : Counseling

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