What is Choice Theory®?
Choice Theory® is an internal control psychology that gives people information to help them understand themselves, other people and what motivates behavior. It requires learning the difference between making choices that help you connect with other people in good relationships and using external control psychology which separates you from the people you want to be connected to because genetically we are social creatures. We need each other and the cause of almost all psychological symptoms is our inability to get along with the important people in our lives. Choice Theory® is the new psychology of personal freedom; a new way of looking at the world and the way you want to live.

About Dr. William Glasser
Dr. Glasser is an internationally recognized psychiatrist who is best known as the author of Reality Therapy®, a method of psychotherapy he created in 1965 and that is now taught all over the world. He will always be remembered for founding Reality Therapy®. His groundbreaking book Reality Therapy®, published in 1965, created quite a stir in the field of psychology.
For 50 years Dr. Glasser traveled throughout North and South America, Europe and Asia lecturing to large groups of professional therapists and others who wished to assist their clients more effectively or who wished to improve their own lives.
As time went by he added a theoretical basis to the practical delivery system. He called the theory “Choice Theory®” and described it as the train track for the train, Reality Therapy®. Choice Theory® provides the validation for the application of his ideas to education, parenting, corrections, addictions and all human relationships.
On August 23, 2013, Dr. William Glasser died peacefully in his home in the loving arms of his wife Carleen Glasser.