What is this Thing Called Love? The Essential Book for the Single Woman
- Author : William Glasser , M.D. and Carleen Glasser, M.A.
- Pub. Date : January 2000
- Format : Soft Back
- Pages : 164
- Price : $20
This book offers a new, empowering way to look at love, a way that will help you to avoid mistakes and to recognize the right man when he comes along.
“You either take the next step and fall in love with each other, or you fall out of love with love and it’s over. The whole fantasy of being in love with love needs another person for it to work, but it doesn’t have to be any particular person. I think you’re right. Mark’s not in love with you, he’s in love with love, and you’re the person who makes the fantasy work for him.” “Why do you call it a fantasy?” “It’s a fantasy because it isn’t real. Love is real; it takes two real people with real feelings for each other.” – William Glasser, M.D.”Category : Relationships